ROM: 王権の記憶

Author:GoldSwat, 2024-02-01 23:21:38

ROM: Memories of Kings はキャラクター探索ゲームです。ゲームにはさまざまな難易度のマップがあります。マップを守る各モンスターは敵です。このマップを占領したい場合は、キャラクターの能力に合わせてモンスターを倒すスキルが必要です。ゲームには複数の職業があり、ゲームプレイも多様です。モンスターを倒すと、さまざまなアイテム、ゴールド、素材をドロップするチャンスがあり、カユドラ大陸を征服するキャラクターの能力を大幅に向上させることができます。 では、ROM アイテム/ROM ゴールドなど、ROM: Memories of Thrones に必要なすべてのアイテムを提供できます。

ROM: 王権の記憶 Security Guarantee
We keep customer's information safe, offer safe shopping environment, safe payment methods and safe delivery methods. And we will write notifications for our customers if a game is strict on in-game currency trade in case of causing the lost of customers’ property or account lost. Fastest Delivery
For the vast majority of games, we can achieve 1-10 minute delivery times. We don't advertise that we can deliver every game immediately, because that would be irresponsible to our customers. We will deliver as quickly as possible and at the highest price for our suppliers. Cheapest Price
We promise that we will offer the cheapest price to do every game. Our employees compare prices with other sites at least three times a day, and compare the prices of new games every 10-30 minutes, ensuring that our customers can buy the most needed products with the least money. Refund Guarantee
If an order exceeds the promised delivery time or if you do not receive your product due to our fault, we will immediately refund you in full upon your request for a refund. Please note that there may be a delay in refunds for certain payment methods, but we will send you proof of every refund made.